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Terms & Policies

Please find below details of our Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Community Guidelines and Cookie Policy. By clicking the images below you will be taken through to read the full details of each. Please note that by registering with Brace you are confirming your acceptance to comply with these policies and guidelines.


The Terms of Use govern your use of Brace and give information about the service provided. By creating a Brace account you accept these terms and they constitute your agreement with Brace.

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The Privacy Policy explains the information we collect, how we use and share it, how to manage your privacy controls and your rights in connection with our website and mobile app.

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The Community Guidelines are established in line with our core values at Brace to foster a positive environment and create an enjoyable experience for all.

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The Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies and similar  technologies to recognise when you visit our website, why we use them and your rights to control our use.

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